The Sustainability Initiative

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Our planet's resources are limited, and the delicate ecological cycles must remain in balance to preserve the world as we know it. Unfortunately, in recent years, it has become evident that we are headed in the wrong direction. Human activities since the 1800s have gradually disrupted the ecological cycles, negatively impacting our climate, land, water, and resources. Even the air we breathe is affected, and biodiversity has significantly diminished. We have reached a critical juncture where a drastic change in our way of life is imperative. The current path humanity is on will lead to a major disaster.

The principle is simple: if we continue to consume more than what can replenish, we will inevitably face dire consequences. And that is precisely what we, as humanity, have been doing—consuming excessively in various aspects. This approach is no longer sustainable. Instead, we must learn to work and coexist with nature and its cycles, rather than against them. Climate change is just one aspect of the broader natural system; there are many others.
In response to these challenges, the Sustainability Initiative was created. Its purpose is to establish a balanced way of life and explore methods to manage our planet's limited resources in harmony with nature's essential ecological cycles. Our aim is not to reminisce about the past but to ensure that future generations can live fulfilling lives and enjoy our planet. We must align ourselves with nature's flow.

The imbalances we have created have resulted in climate change, water and air scarcity, deforestation, and infertile farmlands, ultimately fueling conflicts, wars, and large-scale refugee movements. With limited time and resources, it is crucial to focus on setting the right goals and strategies and organize ourselves accordingly. Many politicians and decision-makers prioritize short-term gains, often neglecting the long-term sustainable perspective and lacking factual knowledge, insights, and courage. This change will require immense courage because it involves substantial shifts. The answer lies not in pursuing a path of "bigger, centralized, more, and faster," but rather in embracing smaller-scale actions and personal responsibility. We must use the resources provided by our planet responsibly because we only have one.

Since it is humans who have caused many of the serious imbalances on this planet, our analysis and actions are rooted in sustainability rather than a simplified focus on climate. Climate change is just one consequence of these imbalances. Other effects manifest as water scarcity, lifeless bodies of water, or degraded land. Communities with sustainable lifestyles do not face these problems. Technical solutions alone are not sufficient; we must also foster a different mindset when viewing the world and our future.

Key Points about the Sustainability Initiative:
• The Sustainability Initiative is independent of any political party or agenda.
• We provide concrete and actionable suggestions that can be implemented immediately.
• Our work is based on research-backed facts, knowledge, and commitment.
• The changes required may involve building upon existing solutions as well as embracing the unknown and letting go.


The Sustainability Initiative aims to promote a sustainable and holistic perspective that transcends political agendas and rhetoric, focusing on swift actions. While our starting point and base are in Sweden, we seek inspiration from best practices globally and aim to contribute with suggestions, inspiration, dialogue, networking opportunities, challenging established truths, disseminating knowledge and facts, and taking initiatives when necessary. Our suggestions and ideas are founded on true sustainability, balancing ecological cycles and avoiding overconsumption of natural resources. Regardless of who we are or where we are, our daily challenges revolve around clean water, energy, context, and recycling.


Our vision is to influence decision-makers by providing them with information, methods, and tools to make well-informed decisions that foster sustainable communities. Sustainability is our top priority, and we strive for a world where innovative solutions and conscious thinking lead to a society that embraces sustainability in terms of resource usage, social structure, and overall well-being for people, animals, and nature.


The Sustainability Initiative operates as a loosely structured network with a core group and an advisory board. The advisory board ensures that events and activities align with our goals and values. Projects and long-term activities are separate entities managed by participants. The core group consists of the founders and individuals actively involved in launching and expanding the initiative by connecting with others and growing the network.

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We are working on a short version of this web site in English.

Happy reading!

Förändra systemet

Våra förslag till lösningar fokuserar på det basala, som livsmedelsproduktion, vattenhantering, näringsämnen, energi, kommunikation, boende, transporter, etc. Sånt som får vardagen att fungera, och vi kan börja imorgon! Vi har även förslag kring finansiering och genomförande. Vi har våra fyra utgångspunkter och inser att stora systemförändringar som behöver ske. Ny lagstiftning, nya regelverk och förnyelse av den offentliga sektorns roll behövs. Liksom nya beskattningar, ägandeformer och socioekonomiska lösningar. Och som en bonus leder dessutom flera av förslagen till minskade utsläpp av växthusgaser!